Class 4 have had another fantastic week, some of the highlights include looking at food chains in Science, comparing the Amazon rainforest and Sherwood forest in Geography and starting to explore non-chronological reports in English.

We were so proud and excited on Monday when we saw that both Greenpeace and the Orangutan Land Trust had commented on our tweet!!!

We decided to use these tweets as the inspiration for our English work and create non-chronological reports about animals from the rainforest. We have spent this week finding out about the features of the text type and next week we will be busy writing our reports.


In order to write amazing reports, for homework this week, I would like you to research your chosen animal. I am happy for you to choose the animal but it MUST live in the Amazon Rainforest. Think about the question ideas we wrote in English for inspiration in your research and remember what we talked about in Computing this week and the word plagiarism!

If possible please try to make a start on your research over the weekend or at the start of next week, we will be completing some research in school but the more you know the better!

Happy researching!

Another amazing week…

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