Another great week for class 4 where the highlight had to be our retweets and comments on twitter from the author of Stitch Head!!!! The classroom was buzzing when we read them!

Thanks for all the great effort put into homework last week – it was great to see and hear the children sharing their work and ideas.

Thanks to everyone who attended parents evening over the last week. It was lovely to hear how lots of the children are enjoying their learning and talking about things in school at home.

I thought it might be useful to share a few resources, that I mentioned to a number of parents, with everyone so that these can be regularly accessed at home…


Please ensure your child knows all their times tables by heart. All year 4s will take part in the Multiplication Check later in the year requiring them to answer 25 questions on the computer or a tablet.

Further information can be found below…

The following QR codes lead to a range of websites which can be used to practice skills. I have also added 2dos to purple mash and every child has their TTRockstars password. There really is no reason not to practice!

Timestable Racetrack


With a number of parents, I discussed the images for our free writing on a Friday. Below is the website where I get my resources from. There are over 300 different images and story starts to choose from. You may wish to complete one weekly with your child in order to help to improve skills and apply all the work we are doing in our SPAG sessions.


Thanks to everyone who is supporting our quest to develop a love of reading at home. With some parents, we talked about the value of still occasionally reading out loud to your child. I feel this is a valuable time to spend as it allows your child to hear how a text should be read, develop further knowledge of punctuation in sentences and how to successfully use expression. We are finding this time in whole class reading very valuable and would love it if you could continue this skill at home.

Homework (optional this week)

Over half term, you may wish to complete an optional homework challenge….Can you build a rainforest in a shoe box? How will you show the different layers? What animals will live there?

If you do complete the challenge, please upload your work to seesaw or bring it into school. Happy building!

Thanks for your continued support. Mrs A

Weekly round-up, support after parents evening + half term homework challenge

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