Our Trip to the Treasure House and the Beverley Barge Preservation Society Part 1
On Monday we had a fabulous trip to The Treasure House in Beverley; in addition to the Beverley Barge Preservation Society, followed by a section of the Elwell Art Trail. The visit was inspired by the children’s desire to learn…
Brandesburton Motor Company Visit
We have been extremely lucky in Class 4 today, to receive the help and support of BMC (Brandesburton Motor Company). Mr. Shipley came to visit us to support our theme work on Intriguing Inventions. He brought along a low loader…
English: Persuasive Writing
Today we started our new unit on persuasive writing. We are linking this to our theme of intriguing inventions and will be looking at adverts linked to the railways. Our first investigation is the adverts used by the NYMR.
You may remember that prior to the Easter holidays the children mummified oranges as part of their theme lessons on the Ancient Egyptians. Today we decided to unwrap our oranges to the delight (and disgust) of the children.
Spelling Lists W/C: 6.5.18
Year 4: Recent, regular, reign, remember, sentence, separate, special, straight, strange and strength. Year 5: Thorough, twelfth, variety, vegetable, vehicle and yacht.
Spelling list 3.5.19
Year 4 possess, possession, possible, potatoes, pressure, probably, promise, purpose, quarter and question. Year 5 shoulder, signature, sincere, soldier, stomach, sufficient, suggest, symbol, system and temperature.