Once again I have been blown away by the spelling and multiplication results for this past week. Keep it up Class 4!!!!
I have added a interactive resource for the children to access to practice their spellings on Purple Mash. Just in-case there’s any hiccups, please see the lists below
Year 4:
science scene discipline fascinate crescent scissors scenery descent ascend descend
Year 5
redecorate mention position weather whether obvious completion mountainous tongue scheme
For Multiplication, I ask that each child spends sometime over the course of the week practicing their multiplication skills using the Times Table Rock Stars website. This is important for both Year 4 and 5 children as these skills are used across the curriculum; however it must be noted that if your child is in Year 4, the government are intending to continue with the Year 4 multiplication assessment this academic year and a little bit of practise each week would be beneficial. Remember children; the more accurate and quicker you become results in you progress to higher levels
Multiplication Test
Next Wednesday I will be testing the children on their knowledge of the 5x table.
This online resource can be very helpful with learning timetables:
In the search box type ‘multiplication’ and you will gain access to the games that I showed you this week.