Last Friday, Class took part in a Zero Waste day and it was superb!
We started the day by watching a video to find out where all of our waste ends up:
Upon completion of watching the video, we worked in groups to create a movie to highlight the importance of reducing waste and recycling as much of our waste as possible. To begin with the children worked together to produce a trailer for their movies using iMovie, to complete this task they used various different websites to conduct research , followed by using the iPads to record and edit their film clips. Utilizing the features of iMovie the children edited further, added music and suitable graphics. I think we have some future film directors in the class and one or two actors!
The next step entailed the children creating their actual movie using their research and iPads.
Unfortunately, due to uploading capacity on the blog I am unable to share the trailers or videos with you, but I can assure you that they are amazing. The children worked incredibly hard on this tasks and should be immensely proud of themselves.