Well done for all the amazing ideas you came up with to send a message using Morse Code. Lego, pasta and video messages using torches to name but a few. Here is one sent by Riley for you to have…
Homework 24.9.2021
Spellings Please check your 2DOs on Purple Mash. List 1 (Year 4/Optional Year 5) List 2 (Year 5) Words with the /s/ sound spelt sc Recap from prior years science scene discipline fascinate crescent scissors scenery descent ascend descend redecorate…
In Technology, we have been exploring how to combine and join materials to make free standing structures. We investigated ways to reinforce the structures to make them more stable. We also recognised that communication was the key when working as…
Online Maths Games
If you would like to continue to practise ordering your numbers, click on the website below. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/ordering-and-sequencing There are a range of games and we have tried a couple already. Remember to hide the divisions to add more challenge!
Welcome Class 4
After a few hiccups along the way, we have finally got the Blog up and running. So I thought I’d start by sharing all the exciting things that have been happening this afternoon. We have been… learning how to sew…