List 1 (Year 4/Optional Year 5) | List 2 (Year 5) |
Endings – sion | Words ending in – able and – ably |
expansion extension comprehension tension suspension occasion dimension diversion permission discussion | adorable adorably applicable applicably considerable considerably tolerable tolerably capable knowledgeable |
If you prefer to write your spellings down, then why not have a try at Pyramid Writing this week.
This week I would like you to imagine you are an Evacuee child. Think about what you would have in your packed lunch for the train journey.
What foods would be readily available to you in the city?
What food would have been rationed?
How would the food be different to a packed lunch prepared for a journey today?
You can present your work in whatever way you wish. You could even just show your packed lunch on Evacuee Day!
What sandwich are you going to prepare?
Homework 8.10.21