Class 4 have had another great week, we have tackled tricky place value work in Maths, written descriptive paragraphs about Rang-Tan’s rainforest in English, made South American Top Trump Cards in Geography and found out more about the character Stitch head in Guided Reading.
This week our homework focus is Maths and specifically learning our times tables. Learning times tables is a life skill that just needs to be learnt.
The end of year expectation for year 4 is to know all tables up to the 12 times table. It is very important that the children learn them as towards the end of year 4 all children are required to complete the Multiplication Check. (Further information can be found below)
There are many games on purple mash (I have set a couple as 2dos) and also games on websites such as, and All children also have their own times table rockstars log-in in their reading logs.
The app below is also a useful free download that has a multiplication section.
Website links
At my house we have also found songs useful!! The following song was a popular one!
Regular practise really is the key!
Further information about the multiplication check can be found below.