I can’t believe how fast the week’s seem to be going at the moment – it will soon be Christmas!!!
This week we enjoyed an interactive, online Science session. The children enjoyed the chance to find out about sustainable materials, meet a robot, answer questions interactively and also have our question read out online.

This week I have been really impressed with the children’s hard work in English. Firstly we finished and evaluated some amazing diary entries and then we moved onto our new persuasive writing unit based on the book The Great Kapok Tree. We have worked hard on identifying the different features of a persuasive text – I wonder how many you can remember?
Can you identify any in the story?
I can’t wait to read our persuasive letters to the logging company trying to persuade them not to cut down the trees.
Homework – English
For homework, I would like you to play the following persuasive language game. This will help us with the language we need for our letter. As an extra challenge, choose one of the topic cards and write your own persuasive argument to agree or disagree with the statement.