This week, Class 4 have been amazing, I have honestly been blown away by their English work. The challenge was to write a letter to a logging company in South America to ask them to consider their role in reducing deforestation in the rainforest. The language choices and features the children have included have been brilliant – ask your child what hyperbole, direct address and modal verbs are – you will be impressed!

In Maths, the year 4’s have continued to work on multiplication and ensuring their know their times tables by heart (Information about the Multiplication Check can be found below) and the Year 5s have begun to look at fractions – realising that knowing your times tables makes everything so much quicker and easier! Please ensure you practice regularly at home using TTRockstars, Purple Mash or the many websites listed in everyone’s reading log.
As there is only 2 weeks left of term and the children have worked so hard, I thought I would post my annual Christmas homework a week early!

Have fun choosing a number and getting festive!!