Welcome back! Class 4 have hit the ground running and are raring to go!
Firstly something from last year….
I must start with a massive thank you, for all the support last term, for the many Christmas gifts and also the kind donations to buy your child’s CAM toy. I am sure you will agree that the children had fantastic ideas and it finished off our rainforest topic perfectly.
Talking of the rainforest, we had some excitement in Class 4 on Wednesday when the children met Stan the Sloth! As a Christmas present, I have adopted Stan for the year! (Postal strikes meant he didn’t arrive before Christmas!) Stan lives at South Lakes Safari Zoo in the Lake District and he is very cute!! We look forward to hearing about him throughout the year, maybe some of us may even visit him!!

This Term
This term we move our learning from the Rainforest to Egypt and focus our learning on the Ancient Egyptians. As you can see below, much of our learning will be involving this theme.

Here is a copy of our class newsletter, just incase you misplace your copy
The children are already loving the learning that is taking place!

This week, we trying to increase the percentage of children reading 3 times a week at home. Class 4 have set themselves the personal target of 100%!!! So this week I am not setting any homework in the hope that we can reach this target (remember Miss Northen’s promise of cake if we can do it at least once in the next 4 weeks! (and also keep the presentation in our books amazing!) Can we do it Class 4?
Please also remember to practice your times tables (Year 4s that multiplication check is getting ever closer!) and if you wish to do any further research at home on the Egyptians, that would be amazing, can you answer any of the questions you wrote on Friday?
Let’s have another brilliant week
Mrs A