This week, we have been using the book the Iron Man as the inspiration for our newspaper reports. We only read the first chapter and then we got busy making Live Action News Reports! We worked hard on establishing the 5Ws (who, what, when, where, why) and then wrote some fab eye witness reports from bird watchers, dog walkers, fishermen and even whale watchers. On Friday we are going to record our reports! Hopefully we will be able to share some of them on the blog next week.
Watch a video of the start of the book here… https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z9ftb9q
After Arts Week, we will explore some more of the story. So that we don’t forget the events, please read Chapter 1 and 2 (saved on seesaw) before the 26th June. If you want an extra challenge, can you write the 5Ws for the second chapter?