Year 5 have once again really impressed me this week. The children have finished their setting descriptions and they have honestly blown me away, I can not believe how much thought, time and effort has been spent on their work. As a class year 5 have not said no to any task this week and they have attacked it with full force.

What’s happening next week:
Over the next few weeks year 5 will be about the children settling in, I want to make the classroom feel a comfortable and safe environment for the children and a place they enjoy coming. I want to ensure the children are learning every single day with a smile on their face. The children are continuing with their topic of the Tudors which they are loving! they are also starting a new English unit of character descriptions.
Our P.E slots this week are Monday and Thursday so if they can please come in P.E kit these days.

Spellings: The spellings are as followed:


Class Focus:
Class 4’s focus this week is to keep up the hard work, get used to being in class 4 and get to grips with everything. I would like 4 reads these need signatures! also at least 30 minutes on TT Rockstar’s Per week. (We are smashing this!!! keep it up!!)

The children have some math questions to finish and bring back to the class on Tuesday. This is addition and subtraction. Some of the children finished this in class and will therefore have no homework.

Dates for your diary:
Here below is a list of finalised dates for the coming term. There may be odd dates to add in but I will but these on the blog if so.

EventDateOther details
European Day of Languages26.9.24Assembly / Class Activities
World Mental Health Day10.10.24Assembly / Class Activities
Parent’s Evening15.10.243pm – 6 pm
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school

If there are any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me on
Many Thanks,
Mr Trott,

Week 2 – Recap

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