An eventful week for year 5 today! we have been doing D.T, Arts and crafts And Christmas things all week! although we have been off timetable and had a really stressful week year 5 have put their all into it so well done!!

What’s happening next week:

Christmas fair – Tuesday 17th
KS2 Play – Wednesday 18th
Our P.E slots this week are Monday and Thursday so if they can please come in P.E kit these days. I have also given the children their KS2 performance tickets, this will be in their bags.

Class Focus: 

Resilience! I would like the children to focus on trying to work independently, this means trying their best to find an answer or figure something out before coming to an adult. This is very tricky to do so this will be a focus for a while.

Presentation! As a class we are focusing on the presentation of our works in our books. If the children get any spare time at all if they could practice their joint up handwriting. Fractions, I would love for the children to be practicing their fractions. As we all know these are a tricky topic and any extra work would go a mile!
Class 4’s focus this week is to keep up the hard work, get used to being in class 4 and get to grips with everything. I would like 4 reads these need signatures! also at least 30 minutes on TT Rockstar’s Per week. 

Dates for your diary: Please see below for dates for your diary and the next week in Class 4 section.

Christmas Fair 17.12.24 2 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Disco 19.12.24 3.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school

Week 13 – Recap

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