Good Morning Class 4 and welcome to Summer 2, I hope you have had a lovely May half-term break. The 1st June marks the start of meteorological summer, we pass from the meteorological spring (March, April, May) into the summer months: June, July and August. It must be the first year in a very long time that the beginning of summer has been welcomed in with such glorious weather. I always enjoy the second half of the summer term as it is always filled with many traditional school events, sports day, summer fairs a reduced number of wet plays. However this year is very different and continues to feel strange, rather than welcoming you all back to class on this sunny morning and I welcoming you back to continued online learning.
In the coming days and weeks more children will be attending school (please wait for confirmation from the school office), therefore the way in which work will be presented to you will be changing, I will update you on this later in the week. Over the next five days we will seek to round off any work that you have been completing in preparation for the new model.