Since returning to school we have been completing a quick mathematics starter activity to help the children reinforce key learning. By completing the same type of questions each day, it helps children to commit the key concepts to memory. I…
Happy New Year
I hope you all had an enjoyable festive break and I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. We have an exciting term ahead with our theme, ‘Coasts to canals’. The children have already shown a great…
Times Tables Rock Stars
Well done everyone for continuing to practise your times tables at home. ‘The Battle’ is very close at the moment, but who knows what the result will be at the end of the week. Keep up the good work! If…
Homework 12.11.21
Spellings List 1 (Year 4/Optional Year 5) List 2 (Year 5) Prefixes – il and il words Words with the /i:/ sound spelt ei after c and other consonants illegal illegible illuminate illogical illiterate illicit illumination illusion illusive illustration deceive…
Homework 5.11.21
This week I have really enjoyed looking at all the models you created of the WW2 vehicles, sharing the facts you found out and seeing all the creative ways you have tackled the ‘Make Do and Mend’ task. I can’t…
Homework (15/22.10.21)
Over the next 2 weeks, I would like you to build on some of the independent research we have been doing on a Friday afternoon. Please complete one or both of the tasks below. WW2 VEHICLES Create a model of…
Homework 8.10.21
Spellings List 1 (Year 4/Optional Year 5) List 2 (Year 5) Endings – sion Words ending in – able and – ably expansion extension comprehension tension suspension occasion dimension diversion permission discussion adorable adorably applicable applicablyconsiderable considerably tolerable tolerably capable…
Evacuee Day
Don’t forget to come into school on Friday 15th October in character as a WW2 evacuee child. You will need to be dressed in clothing of the time, have your own identity label, a packed lunch for the journey (Spam…
Homework 1.10.2021
Well done for all the amazing ideas you came up with to send a message using Morse Code. Lego, pasta and video messages using torches to name but a few. Here is one sent by Riley for you to have…
Homework 24.9.2021
Spellings Please check your 2DOs on Purple Mash. List 1 (Year 4/Optional Year 5) List 2 (Year 5) Words with the /s/ sound spelt sc Recap from prior years science scene discipline fascinate crescent scissors scenery descent ascend descend redecorate…