An interactive game: Place Value
An interactive game that can help children to understand place value (more suitable to the year 5 children, but year 4s may enjoy having a go too!):
Identifying the location of Rain forests
Creating Fact Boards: Palm Oil
Today in our GPS session we have been exploring prefixes; have a go at the following questions: What is a prefix? How does a prefix impact upon a word? Can you define the following prefixes; Un, Mis, Sub, Pre and…
Number Bonds Activity
Today in maths we have looked at number bonds to 100, here is a fun interactive game you can play to practice your number bonds: Remember to select numberbonds on the first page followed by make 100
Spelling List 12.9.18
Please see list below: Year 4 spelling list Accident Accidentally Actual Actually Address Year 5 spelling list Accomodate Accompany According Achieve Aggressive We will test spellings a week on Wednesday.
GPS Homework 12.9.18
Please click on the link to view a copy of the GPS homework for this week. Homework week 2 GPS
Maths Homework 12.9.18
Please click the link below to view a copy of the maths homework. Homework week 2 Maths
Challenge: Roman Numerals Year 4
To answer the question add a comment to the thread. Here is a number written in Roman numerals. CXV Write the number in figures.