Welcome Back!

Good Morning,

May I wish you all a Happy New School Year! After a long rest over the summer break it was extremely refreshing to welcome the new Class 4 back to Brandesburton Primary School today.

The children entered the classroom with gusto and have been a pleasure to work with; I am very much looking forward to working with them over the course of the year. Congratulations must be given to the children with regards to the hard work they have carried out so far this morning (images to follow).

Throughout the remainder of the week we will be carrying out team building exercises in PE; commencing work on our theme, “Yabba, Dabba Doo” as well as our Twisted tales.

Finally, please keep an eye of the blog for electronic copies of the homework in addition to spellings and further challenges to complete at home which relate to work we are carrying out in school.

Enjoy your evening,

Mr Mallison

End of the Year

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of another academic year; it only feels like we started the school year 5 minutes ago. However to coin a sailing term; time nor tide waits for no man. It has been a brilliant year and it has been a privilege to help the children grow and prepare them for the next step on their educational journey. We have had a jam-packed year at Brandesburton and crammed so much in and even managed to find the time to par-take in the trial multiplication assessments (the children should be immensely proud of their results). Thank-you very much for your support this year! It’s time for you all to put your feet up and enjoy your family time over the summer!

Our Trip to the Treasure House and the Beverley Barge Preservation Society Part 1

On Monday we had a fabulous trip to The Treasure House in Beverley; in addition to the Beverley Barge Preservation Society, followed by a section of the Elwell Art Trail. The visit was inspired by the children’s desire to learn about transport as part of the Intriguing Inventions theme. To start the day we visited the Treasure House to have a look in the museum and the art gallery, the main focus of our visit to the art gallery was to view the work of Frank Mason (famous for his work on railway advertisement posters). We then walked down to the Beck to jump aboard the barges and boats of the Beverley Barge Preservation Society (BBPS). Whilst visiting the BBPS we were very lucky to receive a presentation from the volunteers on the history of the vessels and their link to Hodgson’s Tannery. We would certainly recommend a visit to the BBPS on the Beck.

Brandesburton Motor Company Visit

We have been extremely lucky in Class 4 today, to receive the help and support of BMC (Brandesburton Motor Company). Mr. Shipley came to visit us to support our theme work on Intriguing Inventions. He brought along a low loader and Ford Fiesta to demonstrate how hydraulics, engines and motor vehicles work. The session commenced with a demonstration on how the low loader can transport cars followed by an explanation on how certain car parts work and the inner workings of a car engine. To finish Mr. Shipley hosted a Q & A session with the children.

We would like to send our thanks to all at BMC for enriching the children’s learning.