Year 5 have had an action packed week this week! The children have been describing Whitby Abbey! Not just any normal Whitby Abbey, Dracula’s Abbey! The Children have blown me away with their vocabulary choices and how they have managed to fit suspense in their writing! The children will carry this on next week where they will focus on speech!
Class Focus:
Writing! We are really going to be looking at our writing and also how we make our sentences work! The whole school is focusing on their writing. This includes handwriting, presentation, punctuation and spelling. The children have really started to take so much care with their work and it is amazing to see. I WANT THIS TO CARRY ON!!!
Resilience! I would like the children to focus on trying to work independently, this means trying their best to find an answer or figure something out before coming to an adult. This is very tricky to do so this will be a focus for a while.
Presentation! As a class we are focusing on the presentation of our works in our books. If the children get any spare time at all if they could practice their joint up handwriting.
Class 4’s focus this week is to keep up the hard work, get used to being in class 4 and get to grips with everything. I would like 4 reads these need signatures! also at least 30 minutes on TT Rockstar’s Per week.
As the children are diving into the new history topic of WW2. I would like them to write a few paragraphs on the following questions. ( they can research if needed )
In your own words, you have to write an overview of WW11. What it was (who it involved), when it happened and briefly why..
If there are any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me on
Many Thanks,
Mr Trott,