Good Morning Class 4!

Today will see us complete Guided Reading, GPS, English, a mini-math activity, Well-being Wednesday Task and a Science activity. This week your science activity comes from the National Academy resources, but future sessions will be collated by your new science teacher Mrs Plant. When we return to school Mrs Plant will be delivering your Science lessons and I am sure that she has many fun and engaging tasks planned for you.

Summary of tasks:

  1. Guided Reading.
  2. GPS.
  3. English.
  4. Mini-Maths
  5. Well-being activity.
  6. Science.

Guided Reading.

To begin with I would like you to listen to part 2 of chapter 10:

You can either summarise Ahmet’s story using bullet points or a paragraph. Listen carefully to the beginning of the video.


Today, in your GPS session you will be exploring compound sentences:


Today in English we will be continuing with our work on our Non-Chronological Report. Much the same as we would in school we are going to take a step by step process. You will need to ensure that you have got a copy of your Anglo-Saxon research sheet (see image below) close by so that you can refer to this as you go along.

Submitting: You can complete this work using any one of the following three:

  1. Type in Microsoft Word or a suitable word processing software/app/Purple Mash 2Write apppreferred option.
  2. Type into the note pad on seesaw.
  3. Write onto paper and take a picture to submit.

Step 1:

Have a quick read through your research sheet to jog your memory of the research that you carried out. You will need this sheet as we complete each section of your NCR. But you can also use the internet as we go along to add extra ideas, but please put these in your own words (don’t just copy and paste).

Step 2

Lets think carefully about the purpose of a NCR. Jot down some ideas as to what you should cover/would like to tell somebody about the Anglo-Saxons.

When considering what you are going to write, imagine that the person who is going to read it, knows nothing whatsoever about them.

Step 3

We are going to write out opening section today.

Obviously, you need to ensure that you include a suitable title that links to what you are wiring about.

The purpose of the opening statement is to tell the reader what your NCR is going to be about. It is like the intro section on a television program, only you are putting your ideas down in words.

You should write in full sentences, grouping related information together in paragraphs.

I set you the challenge of including the following items in your NCR introduction:

  1. Rhetorical question.
  2. Relative clauses.
  3. Fronted Adverbials.
  4. Alliteration.

Check out my example:

Remember this is only an introduction, you do not need to write your entire report, one paragraph that sets the scene.

Mini-Maths Activity

Well-Being Wednesday

I have two activities for you to complete for well-being Wednesday. The first activity can be found on seesaw. I am going to create a display using the response I get from this task.

For your second task, I want you to have some time away from technology and complete the follow tasks:


Today we are going to have a recap on light sources, but I would really like to find out more about what you know about light already and what you would like to find out more about.

When I was younger I always wondered why shadows didn’t have faces?

Record your thoughts/ideas and send them in through Seesaw.

Home-Learning Wednesday 13th January

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