Good Morning Class 4, I hope I find you all well this morning.

Once again you have all had a very productive week and it has been fantastic receiving all of your work. I have loved the Tik-Tok videos that were sent to me via Seesaw, they made me really smile, Mrs Ledingham loved them! I have also received a video of lambing in progress! Have a look below.

Summary of Today’s Tasks

  1. Spelling Test.
  2. Issue new spellings.
  3. Maths.
  4. RE.
  5. Finish of Friday.

Spelling Test.

You will see below your spellings that I set last Friday. Please could you ask an adult at home to test you on your spellings and then give you a score out of 10.

Year 4

Year 5

Spelling’s for next week

Here are your spellings for this week (I have also added a game for you to have a go at on purple mash):

Year 4

Year 5


Next week we are going to be focusing on the basics of multiplication, therefore today I would like you to spend sometime practicing your multiplication.

There are some cracking interactive games on topmarks:

You could also use TimesTable Rockstars:

I have challenged you all through Rockslam, if you beat me I will buy you a large chocolate bar. I have also set a battle between the girls and boys.

Want to avoid technology?

Idea 1# – Grab a couple of dice and practise your multiplication up to 6×6.

Idea 2# – Gran a couple of packs of cards place them side by side, turn over a card from each pile, multiply the cards together. But what about the picture cards? Well obviously Ace = 1, you can make up random questions if you get a picture card or ask somebody to tell you the value.

Idea 3# Ask somebody to set up a multiplication scavenger hunt. You could ask them to hide the answers and then they ask you a question and you have to find the answer. Or you could reverse this and they hide the question and they give you the answer and you have to then find the answer.


Mrs Atkinson has once again supplied us with this week’s RE session, please see details below:

In RE this week, I thought we could look at an alternative celebration. Next week (Friday 12th February) is the start of the Chinese New Year. This year will be the year of the Ox can you watch the clip to see how and why the years were named after animals.  Task – can you draw a picture of an ox or can you find out which animal represents the year you were born and draw that one.  The animals are all very brightly coloured. 

Finish off Friday

Now that you have completed all of today’s activities, you now have the opportunity to finish off any tasks that you ran out of time with.

Home-Learning: Friday 5th February

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