I have been so impressed with Class 4’s English work this week. We have been using the short film ‘There’s a Rang Tan in my bedroom’ and the writing we have produced has been fantastic. If you haven’t seen the film, please watch it below….it is very powerful.
We wrote a description of the lush, green rainforest and then contrasted it with a description of the awful rainforest which Rang Tan describes.
Within our writing, we have tried to include ambitious language, conjunctions, adverbial phrases, expanded noun phrases and rhetorical questions in order to build tension and impact…here are a selection of some of the amazing phrases that we collected as a class.
I’m sure you will agree they are very powerful.
Our homework this week, has an English focus. Can you complete the rainforest quick write activity in order to continue our hard work linked to writing, vocabulary and language?