Class 4 have again excelled themselves this week with more amazing work in all subjects. I have been so impressed with their diary entries based on our short film ‘The Catch’, we have continued to build our knowledge of plants in Science, worked on multiplication and division in Maths and started our work on Ancient Maya in History – I think I even learnt something in that lesson!
Last Friday afternoon, it was lovely to see the children sharing, chatting and laughing together – Let’s aim for another week of 100% attendance so we can get the board games, top trump cards and lego out again!!!

Homework – Maths
As today has been Children in Need, it only seems right to have a Children in Need inspired homework. After our escape room activity and some code breaking activities in Maths, can you crack the codes to work out the answers? (practising your multiplication and division facts at the same time!!) All sheets have been given out with reading logs.