Don’t forget to come into school on Friday 15th October in character as a WW2 evacuee child.
You will need to be dressed in clothing of the time, have your own identity label, a packed lunch for the journey (Spam sandwiches at the ready!!) and a special keepsake to remind you of home.
We have lots of exciting activities planned to take you back in time and experience what it would have been like to be a child during WW2.
Well done for all the amazing ideas you came up with to send a message using Morse Code.
Lego, pasta and video messages using torches to name but a few. Here is one sent by Riley for you to have a go at decoding.
Although I’m not sure I agree!!!
List 1 (Year 4/Optional Year 5)
List 2 (Year 5)
Statutory Words – Random
Statutory Words – Random
actual address calendar disappear experience particular thought separate difficult weight
accompany amateur bargain bruise community competition explanation guarantee individual prejudice
Don’t forget to check your 2DOs on Purple Mash for the Spelling Quiz.
Map work
In PE and Theme this week we have been using maps to find different locations and help us solve a range of different clues. So for this week’s homework I would like you to create a detailed map of where you live.
Think about the journey from your house to school.
Can you create a map of this journey?
Try to imagine that you are travelling along this route, picture in your mind all the things you see.
Think about all the senses you experience – what do you hear, what colours you see, are there any strong smells at certain points? Do you go up or down any hills or turn any corners? How could you include these features in your map?
You could include details such as the shops, the houses, hedges, trees, parks, road turnings, parked cars. Can you include features such as post boxes, bus stops, traffic lights, road markings.
If you want an extra challenge you could have a look at an Ordnance Survey map online. Can you find the key and what the symbols mean? Could you change your map to have the same symbols for features as the Ordnance Survey maps do?
Feeling creative instead?
Make your own 3D map on a larger scale using a selection of materials
or create your own miniature route from an ant’s point of view.
science scene discipline fascinate crescent scissors scenery descent ascend descend
redecorate mention position weather whether obvious completion mountainous tongue scheme
This week I would like you to use Morse Code to make your own message to send. You can use the dots/dashes to write the code or get a bit more inventive!
In Maths we have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10. If you want an extra challenge you could research the distance (km) between some of the Allied and Axis countries who fought in WW2, then round them to the nearest 10.
In Technology, we have been exploring how to combine and join materials to make free standing structures. We investigated ways to reinforce the structures to make them more stable.
We also recognised that communication was the key when working as a team!!
After a few hiccups along the way, we have finally got the Blog up and running. So I thought I’d start by sharing all the exciting things that have been happening this afternoon. We have been…
learning how to sew using running stitch,
creating poppy artwork inspired by different artists,
investigating how to send a coded message using circuits and Morse Code,
getting our ‘Dig for Victory’ area ready for planting,
and finally researching aircraft to make our own WWII planes. What a busy afternoon!!
HOMEWORK – This week’s homework has been sent in paper version.
Summer learning packs have been set to support children in continuing to read and practise key maths and writing skills over the holidays. There are also ideas linked to our themes for next term and outdoor exploration.
The activities are not compulsory as we know that there are many ‘fun’ ways to incorporate reading, writing and maths into the holiday period -from calculating scores in games to following instructions in recipes!!
So please just enjoy your holidays and use the ideas when needed.
In light of today’s school closure, you may wish to use some of the activities for home learning.
Upon completion of watching the video, we worked in groups to create a movie to highlight the importance of reducing waste and recycling as much of our waste as possible. To begin with the children worked together to produce a trailer for their movies using iMovie, to complete this task they used various different websites to conduct research , followed by using the iPads to record and edit their film clips. Utilizing the features of iMovie the children edited further, added music and suitable graphics. I think we have some future film directors in the class and one or two actors!
The next step entailed the children creating their actual movie using their research and iPads.
Unfortunately, due to uploading capacity on the blog I am unable to share the trailers or videos with you, but I can assure you that they are amazing. The children worked incredibly hard on this tasks and should be immensely proud of themselves.