Good Morning Class 4,

I hope I find you all well this morning and that you are all able to access the blog today.

Summary of Today’s Tasks

  1. Maths
  2. Art
  3. Music


To warm up and get our brains working please see the countdown activity below (I have been very impressed with the work sent to me so far):

We are going to continue with our work on our basic skills today. Following on from our work on numbers bonds (well-done to those children that selected a suitable challenge/starting point), we are going to spend today recapping on written addition.

Please follow the link below, which will take you to advice and guidance on carrying out column addition.

Summary of the activities on seesaw (remember to choose a suitable starting point to challenge yourself:

Easier: 4 digit addition with no regrouping.

Main: 4 digit addition with regrouping.

Harder: more than 4 digit addition


Over the past few weeks, I have been so pleased with the art work that I have received images of and seen in person at school. When considering the art task for this week I thought carefully about all the different creative tasks that you have completed whilst on lockdown: salt-dough pottery, Antony Gormely profile, a shield, a broach and a Anglo-Saxon village. Some of you even made a sword to go with your shield, which was a very wise idea as an Anglo-Saxon invader would certainly need a sword as well as a shield.

For this week I thought that we need to enhance our Anglo-Saxon credentials even further, therefore I would like you to create a Anglo-Saxon inspired necklace. Please see the instructons below:

Materials needed:

Circular card inserts from fruit boxes or from egg cartoons

PVA glue

Glue spreader



Sticky tape

Tin foil

A drinking straw

Colourful old magazines or junk mail 

Instructions – please ignore the mention on vikings in the instructions.


For your music session today children we will continue our work on duration and the theme for today’s lesson is syncopated rhythms. Please follow the link below:

Home-Learning Tuesday 2nd February

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