Wow, this week has flown by…Class 4 have been so busy! Our mornings have been packed with our new English unit, reading more of Stitch Head (we had another great Twitter comment from the author!!) and gaining new learning in Maths. The afternoons have involved dissecting plants, calculating food miles, singing songs, playing football and becoming South American tour guides…we have not stopped!!!
I wonder what a Dingle Dangle is!!??!!
Learning at Home
Today, all children will come home with the times table QR codes I posted on the blog before the holiday stuck in their reading log. (Please scroll back to this previous post if you missed it) Please spend some time each week focusing on helping your child learn these skills. This week in Year 5 we have been looking at multiples and next week we will look at factors – if your child does not know their times tables, this learning immediately becomes tricky. Likewise, the Year 4s really need to make the calculations secure ready for the multiplication check.
To link to our work on food miles, I would like to set you a challenge to find out more…have a search through the food cupboard at home (ask permission first!), join mum or dad on the food shop or use a supermarket website to find out where some more foods come from. Can you then find out how many miles they have travelled to get to our plate in the UK. Finally, display your findings some how. Perhaps you could use a map, like we did, or maybe present your information in a table or in picture form. I wonder who can find the piece of food with the longest distance and the piece with the shortest. Happy searching!