Next half term we will be exploring the world beneath us, looking in greater detail at soils and fossils. Over the holidays I would like you to come up with ideas that you think we could explore in class. Below are just a few ideas to get you started.
Could we make our own archeological dig?
What careers need knowledge of different soils? Do you know anyone who could talk to our class about their jobs?
Do worms have a favourite type of soil?
Please continue to learn your times tables on TT Rock Stars or have a go at the activities on Purple Mash.
I was really impressed with how your Time questions had improved on your Math’s Starters this week, so keep practising.
Over the holidays, I am sure you can find lots of interesting things to read and write about (magazine articles, days out, film reviews, local news, …). However if you want some games to help you practise your spelling and grammar, then click on the link below.
I really enjoyed having the opportunity to go swimming this week. I was so impressed with you all. I can now understand why you are so tired when you return to school – it was hard work!!!
List 1 (Year 4/Optional Year 5)
List 2 (Year 5)
words with the /k/ sound spelt ch
scheme chorus chemist echo character ache monarch stomach orchid orchestra
ascent assent bridal bridle cereal serial compliment complement precede proceed
Have a go at the Quiz on Purple Mash or use a written spelling strategy to help you
Our Math’s Starters have proved a challenge this week, particularly applying our knowledge into reading the time.
This week I would really like you to practise reading the time on both analogue clocks and digital clocks.
If you are confident with this, then try converting time between analogue and digital 12 and 24-hour clocks.
Below are this week’s starters if you would like to use these to help you practise at home.
This week we have started our poetry unit. We have been looking at poems by the same author and identifying similarities and differences between the poems.
I would like you to choose one of the tasks below to complete this week.
Choose a poem and practise reading it aloud so you can recite it to the class.
Choose a poem and illustrate it with the images it makes you think of.
Write another verse for ‘The Wind’ poem we looked at in class.
Well done to all of the children who have already taken up the Stonehenge challenge. I am loving seeing all the different ways you are approaching this task.
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be writing our own legend stories based on ‘The Mermaid of Zennor’ book. I would like you to think about what other mythical creatures we could come across in the mysterious Cornish seas.
A mermaid has the upper half of a human, but the bottom half of a fish. What will your creature look like? Give it two contrasting parts. It could be the top half of a seagull with the bottom part of an octopus.
If you want, you could create a flipbook of ideas to create different creatures.
We have been continuing our work on multiplication, focusing on developing our mathematical vocabulary to help in our explanations.
This week I have set you a few tasks on Purple Mash to support your understanding of multiples. Look at the description and start at Challenge 1 as they get more difficult. Choose the challenge that is right for you.
I have also added the Math’s Starters for this week below.
Words ending with the /g/ sound spelt – gue and the /k/ sound spelt -que
Words containing the letter string ‘ough’
league tongue antique unique fatigue intrigue rogue vague opaque plaque
through thorough borough enough bough though although dough thoroughness ought
I have been amazed with the fantastic writing Class 4 have produced this week. The children’s language choices, sentence structure and attention to detail have made for some very interesting reads.
‘They heard her singing voice, therefore I predict they will follow the mermaid.’ – Georgina
‘He always makes up stories, therefore I predict no one will believe Zachy.’ – Jacob
”Your beautiful eyes have caught mine. Don’t worry about me not loving you. I have always noticed you since the day I met you.’ – Lottie
I have also enjoyed reading all your stories and research about Mermaids. Keep up the good work Class 4, as you are making me very proud.
This week’s home work is to extend simple sentences by adding adverbs, adjectives and further information to make the sentences more interesting.
Please see sheet sent home.
Please continue to complete some of the multiplication and division activities available on Purple Mash and practise your times tables on TT Rock Stars. Remember to challenge yourself!!
This week we have been generating lots of discussion around the most famous cromlech in the UK, Stonehenge. I thought it would be fun to set a bit of a challenge over this half term, linked to this popular landmark.
I would like you to lead you our learning around this. You might:
create your own model version (You could use pebbles from a visit to the coast)
research how it got there
explore techniques used to lift heavy stones
explore the strength of similar structures
The possibilities are endless, so I look forward to seeing where your learning takes you.
Below is a useful website to find out more about Stonehenge.
In class we have started to read ‘The Mermaid of Zennor’ by Charles Causley.
For your homework, I would like you to choose one of the tasks below to complete.
Research what Mermaids are, then create an information sheet to share what you have found out.
Imagine you have seen a Mermaid or a Merman out at sea. Write a description of what they look like.
I have added templates for both onto Purple Mash if you prefer to do your homework electronically.
Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on Multiplication and Division. Please complete some of the activities available on Purple Mash and continue to practise your times tables on TT Rock Stars. Remember to challenge yourself!!
Since returning to school we have been completing a quick mathematics starter activity to help the children reinforce key learning.
By completing the same type of questions each day, it helps children to commit the key concepts to memory.
I have been really proud of how the children have approached these tasks and it has been lovely to see their confidence grow as they equal/improve on their scores day by day.
I will be adding the activity sheets to the blog after each week so that you can continue to reinforce the key learning at home. They are also useful activities to do if your child is home learning.
I hope you all had an enjoyable festive break and I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year.
We have an exciting term ahead with our theme, ‘Coasts to canals’.
The children have already shown a great deal of enthusiasm and seem particularly interested in exploring different rocks in Science.
To get us started with our displays and research, I would like you to bring in any photographs, leaflets, postcards, objects etc. related to a visit you have made to a beach within the United Kingdom.
It would be really useful if we could create a collection of photographs which show how our local beaches have changed over time or you may have some relatives who know a legend/story about a coastal feature.
Last year I remember lots of people flocking to Filey due to an exciting discovery.
‘Ms Woods said she had been out collecting shellfish and was shocked to stumble across …’
Well done everyone for continuing to practise your times tables at home. ‘The Battle’ is very close at the moment, but who knows what the result will be at the end of the week.
Keep up the good work!
If you would like some other games to help you continue to practise your times tables, then click on the website below.
In Science we have been looking at using comparative language to support writing our conclusions.
‘The warmer our hands, the quicker the chocolate melted.’
‘The greater the amount of salt, the faster the ice cube melted.’
I would like you to write at least 3 of your own comparison sentences. They can be about any subject.
Here are a couple of my ideas to get you started.
‘The hotter the cup of tea, the longer it takes me to drink it.’
‘The harder the puzzles, the more excited I become.
REMEMBER – Capital letters and full stops!
This week has been money week and it has been very interesting listening to the children’s ideas on how much things cost. From monthly costs of household bills to the running of a vehicle. Estimates for monthly internet services went into the thousands, so the children were quite shocked when they found out the actual costs!!
Therefore for your homework this week I would like you to find 3 things that would have a price of around £1 each, then £10 each and finally £100 each.
As an extra challenge you could predict the cost of some of the things in your home and then find out the actual amount.
Estimate: £6.99 Actual: £17.91
The children have really enjoyed our experiments involving turning solids into liquids by heating the solids to make them melt. Many of the children said they would like to try some similar experiments at home. If you do get time over the coming weeks to explore heating and cooling, please upload any photographs to Seesaw and we will share them with the class.
This week I have really enjoyed looking at all the models you created of the WW2 vehicles, sharing the facts you found out and seeing all the creative ways you have tackled the ‘Make Do and Mend’ task. I can’t wait to get all the photographs up on display.
For your homework, we will start with some firework Mathematics.
Imagine you are holding a firework party. What fireworks would you buy?
Complete at least one of the tasks below.
Buy 2 different fireworks. How much would they cost? Repeat with different combinations.
Imagine you have £25 to spend. What would you buy? How close can you get to spending £25 without going over?
The shop offers to sell all the fireworks on a 3 for 2 deal with the cheapest firework free. Choose 3 fireworks. Compare how much it would cost you with and without the offer.
As part of our work based on ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’ book, I asked you to write a piece of persuasive description to make me want to eat the WW2 porridge.
“Come and get a bowl of delightful, creamy porridge topped with freshly grown strawberry slices and covered in drizzly syrup.” – Freya
Think about the foods that you could eat at a Bonfire Party. Write some descriptive sentences to make the foods sound as appealing as possible.