Weekly round-up, support after parents evening + half term homework challenge

Another great week for class 4 where the highlight had to be our retweets and comments on twitter from the author of Stitch Head!!!! The classroom was buzzing when we read them!

Thanks for all the great effort put into homework last week – it was great to see and hear the children sharing their work and ideas.

Thanks to everyone who attended parents evening over the last week. It was lovely to hear how lots of the children are enjoying their learning and talking about things in school at home.

I thought it might be useful to share a few resources, that I mentioned to a number of parents, with everyone so that these can be regularly accessed at home…


Please ensure your child knows all their times tables by heart. All year 4s will take part in the Multiplication Check later in the year requiring them to answer 25 questions on the computer or a tablet.

Further information can be found below…


The following QR codes lead to a range of websites which can be used to practice skills. I have also added 2dos to purple mash and every child has their TTRockstars password. There really is no reason not to practice!

Timestable Racetrack


With a number of parents, I discussed the images for our free writing on a Friday. Below is the website where I get my resources from. There are over 300 different images and story starts to choose from. You may wish to complete one weekly with your child in order to help to improve skills and apply all the work we are doing in our SPAG sessions.



Thanks to everyone who is supporting our quest to develop a love of reading at home. With some parents, we talked about the value of still occasionally reading out loud to your child. I feel this is a valuable time to spend as it allows your child to hear how a text should be read, develop further knowledge of punctuation in sentences and how to successfully use expression. We are finding this time in whole class reading very valuable and would love it if you could continue this skill at home.

Homework (optional this week)

Over half term, you may wish to complete an optional homework challenge….Can you build a rainforest in a shoe box? How will you show the different layers? What animals will live there?

If you do complete the challenge, please upload your work to seesaw or bring it into school. Happy building!

Thanks for your continued support. Mrs A

Our weekly round up (+Homework)

What an amazing week!!! Class 4 have worked so hard this week, from English to Geography, from Science to Maths – they have given their all. Thank you so much to all the parents who popped into school to see the classroom and books – I’m sure you will agree we are all working very hard!


For homework this week I would like to share some of our Guided Reading text ‘Stitch Head’. We are all really enjoying finding out about the weird creations that the Professor is creating – in Chapter 4 we met many more of them.

For homework I would like you to re-read the chapter and then draw or even make one of the characters. It can be made in any way you wish….perhaps you could create skull monster out of Lego or maybe you could make your own Stitch Head out of an old pair of socks. I can’t wait to see how creative you can be. Post your finished work on seesaw or bring it into school. Have fun!

Another amazing week…

Class 4 have had another fantastic week, some of the highlights include looking at food chains in Science, comparing the Amazon rainforest and Sherwood forest in Geography and starting to explore non-chronological reports in English.

We were so proud and excited on Monday when we saw that both Greenpeace and the Orangutan Land Trust had commented on our tweet!!!

We decided to use these tweets as the inspiration for our English work and create non-chronological reports about animals from the rainforest. We have spent this week finding out about the features of the text type and next week we will be busy writing our reports.


In order to write amazing reports, for homework this week, I would like you to research your chosen animal. I am happy for you to choose the animal but it MUST live in the Amazon Rainforest. Think about the question ideas we wrote in English for inspiration in your research and remember what we talked about in Computing this week and the word plagiarism!

If possible please try to make a start on your research over the weekend or at the start of next week, we will be completing some research in school but the more you know the better!

Happy researching!

There’s a Rang Tan in my bedroom (+ Homework)

I have been so impressed with Class 4’s English work this week. We have been using the short film ‘There’s a Rang Tan in my bedroom’ and the writing we have produced has been fantastic. If you haven’t seen the film, please watch it below….it is very powerful.

We wrote a description of the lush, green rainforest and then contrasted it with a description of the awful rainforest which Rang Tan describes.

Within our writing, we have tried to include ambitious language, conjunctions, adverbial phrases, expanded noun phrases and rhetorical questions in order to build tension and impact…here are a selection of some of the amazing phrases that we collected as a class.

I’m sure you will agree they are very powerful.


Our homework this week, has an English focus. Can you complete the rainforest quick write activity in order to continue our hard work linked to writing, vocabulary and language?

Another fab week

Class 4 have had another great week, we have tackled tricky place value work in Maths, written descriptive paragraphs about Rang-Tan’s rainforest in English, made South American Top Trump Cards in Geography and found out more about the character Stitch head in Guided Reading.


This week our homework focus is Maths and specifically learning our times tables. Learning times tables is a life skill that just needs to be learnt.

The end of year expectation for year 4 is to know all tables up to the 12 times table. It is very important that the children learn them as towards the end of year 4 all children are required to complete the Multiplication Check. (Further information can be found below)

There are many games on purple mash (I have set a couple as 2dos) and also games on websites such as www.topmarks.co.uk, www.timestables.co.uk and www.ictgames.com. All children also have their own times table rockstars log-in in their reading logs.

The app below is also a useful free download that has a multiplication section.


Website links




At my house we have also found songs useful!! The following song was a popular one!

Regular practise really is the key!

Further information about the multiplication check can be found below.


Such a busy week!

Class 4 have been so, so, so busy this week. From working on place value in Maths to finding out where the rainforests are in Geography. From classifying animals in Science to working on emotions linked to Rang-Tan in English….an orangutan even arrived in our classroom! All our work has been completed so well!

Homework (to be completed for Wednesday 21st so we can use the facts in the lesson)

Next week in Geography we will be looking closely at the countries of South America and we hope to make our own Top Trump cards. Can you find out about any of the countries? We plan to include information about the flag, the population, the area, the highest point and an interesting fact. Please either upload your facts to seesaw or bring them into school. The more facts we find the better our Top Trump cards will be.

Please also remember to complete your spelling 2do on Purple Mash it really will compliment all the hard work we are doing in class.

Roald Dahl Day

On Tuesday, in assembly we celebrated Roald Dahl Day. We discussed some of his stories and our favourite characters from his books. Did you know, Roald Dahl had 49 books published?

Mrs Irvin and Ava were very busy at home before the day making something to celebrate the amazing author. Mrs Irvin made this incredible noticeboard and Ava made a poster to show many of his book characters.

In assembly, we set everyone a challenge. Can you name all the Roald Dahl characters on Ava’s poster? Write down your answers and drop them into Class 4 for Ava to check. Prizes will be given for the most correct answers!

CLASS 4 – 2022 -23 WELCOME!!

Class 4 have made an amazing start to the week…we have built our team, set up routines and expectations and started work on our new theme…Tree Top Adventure! I have been very impressed!

As you can see from our overview below we plan to be very, very, very busy!!

A newsletter has been sent home explaining more details about routines and expectations, if you have misplaced your copy, please see below.

Homework – Book Review.

All children now have their home learning code for seesaw and I have set an activity on there for homework this week. The challenge this week is to write and record a book review to make suggestions for others. We hope to add our animated reviews to our reading area to inspire others to read – I can’t wait to see which books you choose. You can complete your review through the app or on paper – remember to try to include you reading a section of the story as a video or a voice over to practice your expression.

Here is one I have already received….

I can’t wait to see what book suggestions we get.

Have a lovely weekend. Don’t forget to complete your spelling 2do and also read at home.

Mrs A

Happy Easter

I hope you all have a lovely Easter holidays.

When we return, our theme will be ‘Rampaging Romans’.

Why not do some of your own research over the holidays to get us started.

You could visit ‘The Hull and East Riding Museum’. It is free of charge and has some stunning Roman mosaics. It may even inspire you to create some of your own.

Please upload any of your research to Seesaw or bring it into school the first week back. I look forward to seeing what you discover.

High Street, Kingston Upon Hull, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 23 August, 2019. Pictured: Hull & East Riding Museum

Homework 1.4.22


List 1 (Year 4/Optional Year 5)List 2 (Year 5)
Statutory – RandomStatutory – Random 


Subordinate clauses can be found at the start, the middle, and the end of a sentence.

  • Sitting happily, the chicken laid eggs.
  • The chicken, who was busy laying eggs, sat happily.
  • The chicken laid eggs, sitting happily.

Think about how you can use subordinate clauses to add additional information to sentences about Phillipe Petit. For example,

Phillipe Petit, who was a street performer from a young age, tightrope walked across the Twin Towers.

As carefully as he could, Phillipe took his first step onto the wire.

The eyewitness watched him reach the other side, with relief.

If the subordinate clause is adding additional information in the middle of your sentence, you need to put commas before and after it.

Write your own sentences using all the information you know about Phillipe and/or you can complete the worksheet below. This will also be sent home in paper form.

Sentences can be typed using Seesaw or some children may wish to record their sentences.


One of the skills children need to develop over Key Stage 2 is to identify, measure and draw angles. Please use the worksheet below to help you practise. This will also be sent home in paper form.

If you need a protractor, please let us know and we will provide one.