Home-Learning: Thursday 28th January

Good Morning Class 4; I hope I find you all well this morning? Today our core learning will revolve around maths, theme and PE. I am really looking forward to seeing your maths work as it has been of a really high-standard over the past few days, keep up the hard-work class 4.

Summary of Today’s Activities:

  1. Guided Reading
  2. GPS
  3. Maths
  4. Theme
  5. PE

Guided Reading

Some of the responses that I am receiving in relation to our work on The Boy at the Back of the Class are phenomenal, keep framing your answers using the questions and justifying your thoughts and feelings. You are doing a great job class 4, well done.

As always please watch the video below and then answer the questions don’t forget to include the date and I can statement.


It feels like a lifetime since we have completed GPS even though we have only missed one day out. For today’s activity I would like you revise your understanding of compound and complex sentences:


Remember if you wish to share any of your thoughts or feelings with me you can do so via seesaw, remember to include the date and a suitable title.


Once again for maths we are going to split into our separate year groups:

Year 4: Divide 2 digits by 1 digit.

Step 1: Watch the video below (pause the video to solve the questions/complete any tasks):

Step 2: Complete the activity on Seesaw.

Year 5: Revising dividing 2 digits by 1 digit part 2

Step 1: Watch the video below (pause the video to solve the questions/complete any tasks):

Step 2: Complete the activity on Seesaw.


Well Children, I have been so impressed with the designs for your Anglo-Saxon villages and today is the day that we are going to build them. As stated in my advanced warning message last Friday you do not need to rush out and buy any fancy equipment; be creative think items that you pop in your blue bin, cereal boxes, cardboard, plastics, etc.

Task: Build a model of an Anglo-Saxon village. Do not worry if you struggle to get your model completed today, take your time and I will be happy to receive images over the next week.

Submission: Please take a photo of your finished model and post it onto Seesaw.


My apologies for last weeks video, I understand part of the video had been cut off! I have watched the entire video this week and can assure you that it is all there. I hope you enjoy learning these moves to this 80s classic! I know I enjoyed learning the dance back on Monday when I started to put the days learning togetherI think Marius is dying to take the lead!

Guided Reading: Fair Trade Activity

I’ve had reports in school today that a number of you have had difficulties accessing the answer sheet. At the moment I am unsure as to what is causing this as some of you have been able to access the answer sheet and others not.

To try and combat this I have added the answer sheets again to Seesaw, but this time they are separate to the information sheet.

If you have already submitted answers you do not need to do this again.


Due to ongoing technical difficulties, we have opted to share Mrs Altoft’s activity for science today: please see details below:

Fingers crossed we will have rectified the technical difficulties by tomorrow morning.

Science – Today, to continue our work on light, we are going to investigate the question ‘How are shadows formed?’ Firstly have a watch of the short video below…

Next, I would like you to try out one of these activities below to explore how shadows are formed for yourself…

  1. Can you make a shadow torch?

2. Can you make a shadow puppet theatre? We made one at home a few weeks ago. Perhaps you could use yours to retell the story of Beowulf?

3. Can you use a torch and some objects to carry out a mini investigation to answer the lion’s question?

As you explore the shadows you create, discuss what happens to the shadow when it is close to the light source and when it is further away. Can you upload a video to seesaw to tell me/show me what you find out?

Home-Learning: Wednesday 27th January

Good Morning Class 4. I hope I find you all well this morning. Please see your activities below for a fun filled day of learning.

Summary of Today’s Tasks

  1. Guided Reading.
  2. English
  3. Mini-Maths
  4. Well-Being
  5. French
  6. Science – Task to follow later in the morning due to a technical glitch.

Guided Reading

Today sees a return to our non-fiction work. I have really enjoyed reading your responses on both the Lake District and the Anglo-Saxons. Please watch the video below and then complete the activities found on seesaw. I haven’t included a copy of the document on the blog as I am having problems uploading certain PDF documents and images. However I have posted a copy with the question sheet on Seesaw.


Today we are starting a brand-new English unit that combines epic poetry and Beowulf. I don’t want to give too much away at the moment, but Beowulf has origins in Anglo-Saxon folk law. This English unit is one that I have sourced from the National Academy, I hope you enjoy the unit and I am very much looking forward to seeing your work.

Please follow the link below to access the lesson:


Submitting your work: Please submit your work using Seesaw, posting into the Home-Learning folder. Remember to include a date and a suitable title.


Please see your mini-maths activities below. Remember the first of the two will always be a little easier, but you must ensure that you read all of the information and answer each question in detail. On the second task ignore the request to have a go at the Button up task first.


For your Well-Being Wednesday task this week I would like us all to consider carefully about turning negative thoughts into positive thoughts. We all have negative thoughts at times and we need to try our very best to try and convert these to positive thinking. For your activity I would like you to read through the document that I have posted onto Seesaw and see if you can convert the negative sentiment into a positive. After you have converted the pre-written negative statements, see if you can come up with your own on third page.


Once again Mrs Platten has been very kind to us and created a French session for us, which I personally think is amazing, her French pronunciation is fantastic. Please see the details below:

How did you get on with learning the names for pet animals last week? Feeling confident?

Today you are going to watch a short video story. It is a modern twist on the Aesop’s fable The Tortoise and the Hare which I’m sure most of you will be familiar with. In French it is called Le liėvre et la tortue.

You won’t recognise all of the vocabulary but have a look at this clip which will give you the key vocabulary and English translation.

Pause the clip after the first slide and watch the story video below. Then  you can return to the vocabulary clip to hear your task explained on the second slide.  


Did you go back and play the second slide on the vocabulary clip? If so you will know that your task is to look at the pictures from the story and sequence them. There is a template on Seesaw for this so you don’t have to download and print the sheet if you don’t want to.

Challenge activity: Can you add the correct captions (in French?) to the pictures? There is a second template on Seesaw which will show you the correct sequence for the pictures but the captions are now mixed up! (Don’t peek until you have completed the first activity!) Can you rearrange them? You can refer back to the vocabulary snip and the story video to help you, pausing each one when you need to.

 As a further challenge you could also draw your own storyboard template (or download the template if you do wish to print one), write out the captions and then do your own illustrations.

Finally there is a word search for you to do based on the video story. As an extension you could write the English translations for all the words that you find using the vocabulary clip to help you.

Bonne chance!


Due to a technical glitch your science lesson for today will be posted later in the morning.

Home-Learning Tuesday 26th January

Good Morning Class 4! I hope you are all well this morning. I am very much looking forward to today’s activities and can’t wait to see your responses.

Today we will be:

Summary of Today’s Tasks

  1. Guided Reading.
  2. GPS
  3. Maths
  4. Art
  5. Music

Guided Reading

Once again I have recorded myself reading the book, chapter 14 this time. Please watch the video from the link below (remembering to click on the CC logo) and then answers the questions below in full sentences.


Today in our GPS session, we are going to be learning about simple past, present and future tense. Please follow the link below for your lesson:


Submitting your work: If you would like to share the work that you have completed in this task you can do using seesaw, take a picture of any writing or type up your work using the notepad. Please ensure your work has the date and subject area written clearly at the top e.g. Tuesday 19th January – Fronted Adverbials.


Once again for maths we are going to split into our separate year groups:

Year 4: Multiply 3 digits by 1 digit.

Step 1: Watch the video below (pause the video to solve the questions/complete any tasks):

Step 2: Complete the work sheet that is on seesaw.

Year 5: Revise Dividing 4 digits by 1 digit.

To remind ourselves as to how we divide using a formal written method.

Step 1: watch the video below and complete any tasks that you are instructed to.

Step 2: Complete the work sheet that is on seesaw.


I was so pleased with your research sheets last week on Antony Gormley and your salt-dough sculptures from the previous week. We are at the moment however going to press the pause button and come back to this when we return to school as the next step that I want us to take is to use clay to create a sculpture.

Therefore we are refocusing our efforts on broaches this week, do not worry if you have had a go at creating one using salt-dough as this is a different medium and we will be refining our skills. A special thank you must go out to Mrs Altoft who shared this fantastic resource with me. Please watch the video below for details of your activity, I have also included a copy of the pdf that I talk about in the video UPDATE: Unfortunately the PDF will not upload/is being problematic, however you will be able to find all of the information that you need in the video.


Today we will be continuing our work on duration, but before I post the task, I would just like to say how happy it makes me when I receive videos of you all completing the music lessons, it is so refreshing to see you continuing with your music learning and having lots of fun, I’ve even seen special guest appearances from grandma and granddad as well as the odd dog.


Home-Learning – Monday 25th January

Good Morning Class 4, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and that you are suitably refreshed and ready for your next installment of home-learning.

Here is your itinerary for today:

Summary of Today’s Tasks

  1. Guided Reading.
  2. GPS
  3. English/Computing
  4. Mini-maths
  5. Theme

Guided Reading

Today’s guided reading sees a return to our non-fiction text. Please watch my video below. If you need additional reading support, I have included a copy of the document below. After you have watched the video and read through the supporting document, please answer the questions directly onto the question sheet if possible using seesaw.


For our GPS this week we will be continuing to develop our knowledge of punctuation. You will need to watch the video below from the National Academy and complete any activities detailed.


Submitting your work: If you would like to share the work that you have completed in this task you can do using seesaw, take a picture of any writing or type up your work using the notepad. Please ensure your work has the date and subject area written clearly at the top e.g. Tuesday 19th January – Fronted Adverbials

English /Computing

In our English lesson today we are going to finishing off our non-chronological report. The video today is going to be rather short, just a recap of what we have completed so far followed by expectations of what I would like to see in your finished article.

After you have finished your report I would like you to ensure that you have typed it up into a suitable word processing document and I would like you to add suitable pictures.


I really enjoyed working with the children in school on Friday to solve the Prison Cell investigation it was lots of fun. Once again for your mini-maths task I would like you to conduct an investigation. In a similar vein to Friday I have included two investigations. Note for adults at home: The one star challenge is easier, if your child struggles with the two star activity.


Today in our theme session we are going to be learning all about where and how the Anglo-Saxons lived. Please watch the video it will explain today’s activity and then give you an insight into what you will be doing in your next lesson. After filming my video I have noticed that the video clip from the Anglo-Saxon village is very quiet. Therefore when you get to this point on the video press pause and follow the link below:



Next week ,the children will be building an Anglo-Saxon village in their theme lesson on Thursday. You do not need to rush out and buy a barrow load of resources, be creative think items that you pop in your blue bin, cereal boxes, cardboard, plastics, etc.

The only items that you may not have in that would be useful are PVA glue and sticky tape.

Home-Learning – Friday 22nd January

Good Morning Class 4!

I hope you are all well today?

I must start the day by saying how impressed I am with all of the work that I have been sent in this week! Below are some examples that I have received. Please note: I have further examples of fantastic work that I want to share with you but I have saved these on my computer at school (I will upload these on Friday at some point when I am next in school).

Summary of Today’s Tasks

  1. Spelling Test.
  2. Issue new spellings.
  3. Maths.
  4. RE.
  5. Finish of Friday.
  6. Treat.

Spelling Test

Please watch the relevant video below (to keep the video as short as possible I have decided against reading out the answers, please could you ask an adult at home to check your work). The year 5 test starts at 3:18 on the video.

Spelling lists for this week:

I have launched a 2DO on Purple Mash to support your practice.

Year 4:











Year 5:












Following on from the success and popularity of the 5 on the clock tasks from Wednesday, I have found two more investigations for you to have a go at (you do not have to complete both investigations, note for parents: the half-time activity is a little easier in the prison cell task seems a little too tricky). But first I would like you to try and solve the countdown task below:


Kindly, Mrs Atkinson has sourced an RE session for you to complete. Due to the blog not allowing us to upload Microsoft PowerPoint presentations I have recorded a voice-over of me delivering the presentation. Mrs Atkinson has advised me that you do not need to print out the resource sheet below, just write out the information onto a timeline, choosing your own level of difficulty 1 star = Easier, 3 stars = Tricky.

Whilst watching the video I will prompt you to access a video on the News Round website, here is the link:


Finishing off Friday.

Throughout the course of the week I have had some adults at home express that their child has not had the opportunity to finish a task off or would like a little extra time. Finishing off Friday is perfect for this. It is the part of the week that you can use to get on top of any tasks that you haven’t finished or time to get started.

Home-Learning – Thursday 21st January

Good Morning Class 4,

I hope I find you well this morning. Unfortunately, I bring bad news this morning. Today we will not be having Mr Mallison’s video recordings, however do not despair, the video recordings will be returning tomorrow as usual.

Summary of Today’s Tasks

  1. Guided Reading.
  2. GPS
  3. Maths
  4. Theme
  5. PE

Guided Reading

Today sees a return of our work on The Boy at the Back of the Class, we will be answering questions based on chapter 13. Please watch the video from the link below (remembering to click on the CC logo) and then answers the questions below in full sentences.

Submitting your work: You can either write out on paper (don’t forget the date and I can statement or you can type up on the notepad feature on seesaw – My preferred option.


Today marks the start of a new unit in our GPS sessions; Punctuation. We will begin the unit by exploring the function of apostrophes.


Submitting your work: If you would like to share the work that you have completed in this task you can do using seesaw, take a picture of any writing or type up your work using the notepad. Please ensure your work has the date and subject area written clearly at the top e.g. Tuesday 19th January – Fronted Adverbials.


Once again for maths we are going to split into our separate year groups for maths:

Year 4: Multiply two digits by 1 digit.

Step 1: Watch the video below (pause the video to solve the questions/complete any tasks):

Step 2: Complete the work sheet that is on seesaw.

Year 5: Multiply 4 digits by two digits.

Step 2: Complete the work sheet that is on seesaw.


Due to me not being able to produce videos for the blog. I have decided that we should pause the intended path for theme and today we are going to carry out a creative task. I would like you to design and build an Anglo-Saxon shield (please keep hold of them because I intend for us to use them in school when we get back in).

Anglo Saxon Weapons | Anglo Saxon Shield | DK Find Out

Step 1 – To start we need to create a design for our shield. Here is an example sheet that you could used to create your design on. If you want to you can print it off, but if you don’t have the ability to print do not worry you could simply draw around something round on a sheet of paper to create your design. Before starting your design I would like you to carry out a search online to see other people’s designs for inspiration.

Making the Past: Anglo-Saxon & Norman Shields | Hampshire Cultural Trust

Step 2

Now that you have completed your design you now need to create your shield. There is not a set manner in which to do this, however I have provided links to some guides below:

Please note the websites may detail resources that they say you need to buy, I do not expect you to make any purchases, simply use any crafting materials/resources that you already have at home.




Submitting your work on Seesaw

Good Afternoon Children,

Could I ask all children to ensure that they submit there work into the home-learning folder only on seesaw and not the other folders.

Also please do not update the folder that you have saved it in (even if I change it), for example some of you have submitted your work in the home-learning and maths folder; I have then updated this to only the home-learning folder. You have then gone back onto seesaw and changed the document back to home-learning and maths, which is causing me much more work than what I need to do; as I then need to sit and convert them back to home-learning only for a second time.